Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 8 (Unique)

People sharing their coaches story has moved me because even though it was really hard to talk about it, they had enough courage to talk about it and sometimes they cried when they told their story.  When I told my story to my group I cried because I was really sad, I never told anyone about it and it was difficult.

And when we went to an orphanage I had a good time.  We made a lot of children smile and people would just come up to us and give us a hug.  A little girl came up to me and gave me a hug, so  I picked her up and held her the whole day.  I almost cried when I picked her up.  She reminded me of my little sister and I really missed her.

And meeting kids from Soweto was the best part of the trip.  They were so outgoing and fun and they taught us many new things and gave us so many brilliant ideas.  They were really fun, my pen pal didn't show up but I was really glad the rest came.

And when we went to the World Cup it was fun.  Some were cheering for Brazil, and the rest was all cheering for Ivory Coast.  I cheered for Ivory Coast.  That was my first time going to a live soccer game.  Ivory Coast lost 3-1 but I was still cheering for them.

But most of all, I'm going to miss everybody.  Today is the last day and everyone is a unique person and there is nothing you can't do without setting your mind toward your goal and try your best, never give up, and be resilient, but also remember that people have to empower others in order to stop HIV/AIDS.

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